I used to hate birthdays. Now everything is different

Child crying at birthday partyI celebrated my birthday this week. I mean that literally – I really celebrated it. This is significant for me because in past years I’ve greeted my birthday like a smelly, irritating relative that comes to stay every year, whose presence I endure with practised stoicism. The only celebration would happen the day after, when I’d wake up awash with relief that it was all over for another year.
My reasons for resenting my birthday were partly due to the fact that it drew attention to me – and as an introvert, this is excruciating. Seriously, I will vote for the next politician who promises to ban the singing of Happy Birthday in workplaces. *shudder*
But at the heart of my day-of-birth anxiety was the fact that they were a reminder that another year had passed and I was not living the life I wanted to live. 

There was a sense that I was running out of time to be happy, or to achieve a life that looked anywhere near as glossy as those of my peers. Every year my misery increased exponentially as I was faced with the realisation that my life had not changed significantly from how it looked at the last birthday.
This year, however, felt different.
I’ve made some major internal changes during the year that have affected the way I see myself and my future. I have a clearer sense of my life purpose and, most significantly, the value that I hold. I can look back on my regrets without feeling burdened by them. Right now I’m in the process of changing careers, so I don’t feel stuck or inadequate professionally any more. I no longer fret about being single, nor interpret this as evidence that I am flawed. It feels like I have enough time, and enough support from the Universe, to grow to a point that I can emotionally handle, and flourish in, a relationship.
Woman walking away surrounded by birds
I have wonderful friendships in which I have a sense of belonging and feel valued. Actually, this is probably the most significant change of all when it comes to birthdays. I can still remember the despair and humiliation of my 32nd birthday when only two people showed up for drinks. As I write this post, I’m preparing to meet 18 friends for my birthday celebrations. This blows my mind – 18 people like me enough to come and celebrate with me!
What all this amounts to is me having dropped my ideas of how my life should look – which is what was causing my birthday angst in the past. Instead I’ve arrived at something very close to acceptance of what is. I can recognise and celebrate the many blessings in my life and I don’t feel myself disappearing into the blistering chasm between the hand I imagined I would play, and the hand I’ve been dealt. In addition, I know how much power I have to bring about change, so I’ve dropped my self-pity I used to hold. 
Most crucially, I’ve stopped comparing myself to other people on the regular. On this point my resolve gets tested often (particularly on social media) but I’m better able to detach from comparisons, and jealousy. This is not easy when you’ve grown up in New Zealand, a country where your relationship status is prized above any personal attributes or achievements. But it’s in my choices, not my circumstances, that I measure my worth now.
This is the first year that I truly understand exactly how much I have to celebrate, and I have good reason to believe that will expand and deepen as I age. In a culture obsessed with time and deadlines, my anchoring principles are these: I am exactly where I am supposed to be, and the best is yet to come. 

I still hate that fucking office birthday singalong though.

Take heart. How to feel, give and receive more love

Heart-shaped tree in field

The heart chakra, located in the centre of the chest, is the energy centre that’s all about how we give and receive love – to all people, not just our partners, and to ourselves. 

People who have blockages in their heart chakra can be judgmental or they could be prone to jealousy. They might be unable to forgive someone or they might be grappling with grief.

As the fourth of the seven chakras, this is the meeting point of the energy centres that are associated with the physical world (the basesacral and solar plexus chakras) and the three chakras representing the spiritual world (more on each of those in future posts). To get a bit airy-fairy, it’s where heaven and earth meet. 

When the heart chakra is balanced, we’re compassionate, empathetic, peaceful, loving and able to help others without depleting our own resources (i.e. we don’t overcommit). We’re also able to honour our feelings, crying when we need to, but also administer self-care when we need it – that’s everything from drawing ourselves a bubble bath to simply speaking kindly to ourselves. We’re also able to receive love easily – we don’t say ‘no’ to people when they offer to help and we don’t put up barriers when people who we like get close to us.

What I think is so significant about the heart chakra is that while the solar plexus was all about shame, this chakra’s enemy is grief. If you think about it, it is loss of any sort (not just bereavement) that makes the heart hurt. Because self-love is so strongly emphasised in this chakra, this loss might be to do with your attachment to ideas about what your life should look like or who you thought you should have become.

Repressed emotions really come to the fore in this chakra – particularly for people who suffered deep hurts in childhood such as a death in the family, bullying or abandonment by a parent.

Two hands forming heart shape

People with deficiencies in the heart chakra might be:

* anti-social

* lonely

* fearful of intimacy

* narcissistic

* judgmental (including racist, sexist, homophobic etc)

* lacking empathy

* unable to let go

* unable to forgive

* struggling to accept help from people

People with excessive energy in the heart chakra might be:

* co-dependent

* jealous

* demanding of their loved ones

* needing to be needed

* fearful of betrayal

Any issues with the arms can be related, too – and when I’m clearing this chakra in a reiki session people often report tingling in their hands. That’s because this chakra is all about touch – and that’s a key way we show love to people, right?  

To clear blockages in the heart chakra, one suggestion I’ve heard is to try and go a week without criticising anyone, which will really help you examine how accepting you are.

· Remember that love is about giving AND receiving, so look at how you can increase the amount of love you’re giving out – that’s anything from smiling at people regularly to giving compliments and donating to people in need.

· If you’re into yoga, back bends, bridges and the wheel pose are great for targeting this chakra – and yoga also helps you to sit in the present moment, which is beneficial for your energy field as a whole.

If you’d like to work with me to heal any of the issues in this article, you can book energy healing sessions here. More information about how I work is available here.  

The year that was. Or wasn’t. (And why that made me feel shitty.)

As the year 2014 drew to a close, I noticed an annoying trend emerging on social media. People were avidly posting glossy pictures in symmetrical grids to summarise their ‘amazing’ (side note: is this the most overused adjective ever?!) year. Now, I want to say first up that I don’t begrudge anyone happiness – I believe everyone is entitled to win at life – and of course most of these people are very dear to me, so my heart soars when theirs do. I don’t even mind that they’re posting highly edited, carefully selected versions of their 2014 experiences and ignoring the low-lights. After all, no one really needs to see a picture of your baby screaming its head off or the rejection letter for that job you didn’t get.

My problem with these ‘look at my amazing life’ posts is that they made me feel crap. Like, crying-into-my-pillow crap. Is that the fault of the person who had that wonderful trip to Spain/dream promotion/romantic engagement? No, of course it isn’t. Like I said, I genuinely want my friends – and everyone, for that matter – to live a life rich with joyous moments. Happiness isn’t in short supply – we can all have a slice of it. It’s my response that was the problem.

Comparison. It’s the bane of my existence. As the saying goes, there will always be someone smarter/richer/prettier than you, so comparison is futile. Life is not a competition. I know all of this, and I do truly believe it. And yet...

What my response showed me was that I have some work to do in deeply accepting myself. There’s a part of me that feels that I’ve failed because I haven’t had some of these experiences that other people in my age group have had. Even though I know that that doesn’t matter, that this is how my life is supposed to be, and that’s more than OK. And even though I know I’m not lacking anything whatsoever. In spite of all of this knowledge, I still feel the misery of disappointment and inferiority.

Eckhart Tolle (wise man, that Eckie) says that ‘life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness.’ I’m still not 100 per cent sure what my life purpose is, but I know that this lesson – of accepting myself, of being content with my life, of letting go my need to compete with peers – is at the heart of my journey towards evolution. I’ll let you know how that works out for me.

In the meantime, any advice you have on self-acceptance, overcoming envy and feelings of failure would be gratefully accepted. Thank you.