Last week Doreen Virtue, creator of the angel cards I use in my readings, announced she’s renouncing much of her spiritual work. This post is my response to that.
Read MoreMoney, money, money. How faith helps pay the bills (kinda)
Dire Straits got it for nothing, Sam Smith had it on
his mind and Destiny’s Child used it to pay their automo’ bills. It’s money,
and it – well, lack of it, to be precise – has brought my life to a screeching
halt in recent weeks.
In a spiritual sense, money is regarded as an energy,
rather than an entity in itself. In other words, it’s a means to an end, not an
end point. It flows when we are in flow. So because it’s not flowing for me
right now, I’ve had to ask myself how I might be contributing to that.
When you don’t know when you’ll get paid, or when your
next job will appear, you are existing in a state of faith. Which is similar to
a state of grace, I guess, but far less serene – more sweary, more weepy. You
are relying on the Universe to supply you with what you need, when you need it.
You are fumbling around in dark rooms, clawing under beds to find the proof
that everything will be OK. There is no proof, there is only faith. In the past
month, that faith has been tested to the max.
Having been self-employed for six years, I’m used to
my income fluctuating, and this is always a slow time of year for work. However
circumstances have conspired to put me in a rather precarious situation that’s left
me very unstable – particularly since I don’t know how long this rough patch
will last.
At the height of this crisis, I had a teary, hiccup-y
convo with Archangel Michael, pleading for financial assistance. The message I
got back was: “Trust me.” (Which is the case for almost every problem I present
to the angels, actually.) On the way to the gym the next morning, I found a $2
coin on the pavement. This is not a great deal of money, obviously, but its
discovery was symbolic rather than practical. It was a sign that I was going to
be taken care of. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, and gave the coin to a
homeless man outside the train station as I knew I did not need it.
A few days later I went to the Rozelle Markets and did
a market stall, something in which I typically make a loss, but which is
valuable to me as a means of introducing people in the community to my
services. The market management runs a lucky draw where stallholders can win
back the cost of their stall. I got a very clear message from the angels that I
would win. I am not, historically, very lucky at such things so I was
sceptical. Well, I won. And abundance has continued to flow my way ever since,
with more work opportunities opening up to me. Which is largely to do with me
being able to hold onto faith (in a very ungraceful manner).
When we ask for money, we need to be open to how it
will appear. We tend to think of financial support only in terms of our salary,
but the Universe regards ‘abundance’ in a larger sense. You might win a free
holiday. You might receive a tax refund you didn’t expect. You might be given a
petrol card by your boss. Our requests for more money will always be answered,
but the answer might not turn up the way we expect.
The best thing we can do in these situations is to
keep focusing on the knowledge that the Universe will always provide for us,
rather than focusing on what we are lacking – that’s what creates an energetic
block that makes it harder for us to receive what we need. This is a bit shit,
if you think about it – basically, when we’re on our knees, completely deplete of
faith, we need it more than ever before. We are asked to have the belief that
what’s in front of us right now will not be our future.
Still, when you think about it, faith is all we have. Learning
to hold onto that is one of the best tools we have for navigating adversity. As
they say, you can’t change the direction of the wind but you can adjust your
Maybe I should offer my landlord faith in lieu of rent
money. I’ll let you know how that works out for me.