According to my website analytics, a lot of you are seeking out information on the safety of angel cards. I can understand why the idea of angel cards – or any divination tool, for that matter – can trigger feelings of discomfort and even fear if you haven’t got a good understanding of what to expect (FYI this post can deepen your knowledge).
This article is designed to help you feel more comfortable with angel card readings by giving you a fuller picture of what’s involved. Let’s take a deep dive into the most common angel-card safety concerns…
What if the cards lead me to change my life and go in a direction I wasn’t meant to go?
It’s important to understand that your future is not set in stone. There is no pre-determined path set out for you. You are the one in charge of your life, not the Universe. In short: you hold all the power. If you get a message you don’t like, you have the power to disregard it – that’s totally your choice. The angels won’t give you messages that push you in ‘the wrong direction’ (although I’d argue that there IS no wrong direction, since we learn something valuable from every choice we make) but they will give you guidance that will spotlight the areas you need to work on and changes that may help.
(Photo by Kate Williams on Unsplash)
What if the cards tell me something I don’t want to hear?
This was a massive concern for me when I first met an angel card reader. I’m someone who wants to retain control over my life (hello, who doesn’t?!) so the idea that an angel card reading might tell me that my life was going to turn out differently to what I’d hoped for was super off-putting. I’d been single for a heart-achingly long time and wanted to know whether that was going to change. My biggest fear was being told that I’d die alone. But what convinced me to go ahead with a card reading was learning that a) angel cards are always positive and helpful rather than something that limits us, and b) angel cards do not predict the future. That means they are never going to present a black-and-white plan for your life that takes away your agency. Instead, the cards give you guidance to work with the Universe to co-create the future you want – which, for me, proved to be both empowering and liberating. And yes, in case you were wondering, that reading absolutely helped me change my life and attract the relationship I yearned for.
(Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash)
What if the messages are wrong?
The cards are never wrong. Ever. The law of attraction means you always get the cards that are right for you. However my interpretation of the cards can be wrong (hey, I’m human!). This doesn’t happen often, but it is a possibility. So if you get a message that doesn’t resonate, there are two possible explanations. It could be that you need to shelve that information for a while, and the meaning will become clear down the track when it needs to. Or it could be that I’ve misunderstood your circumstances and interpreted the card’s meaning wrongly. If this happens, tell me so – we’ll work through it together. I don’t want people ending a session and feeling like the messages were wrong, so please do reach out to explain what’s going on for you. If necessary, I’m willing to draw another card to get more clarity for you.
What if the reading is influenced by lower forces?
If you’ve been raised in family that adhered to an institutional religion model, you’ve probably been introduced to the idea of darker, or evil, forces being in the world. Maybe you’ve even been taught that using a divination tool such as this offers those lower forces undue influence on your life. Here’s my position: I have incredibly powerful energetic shields around me which ensure that only messages from the divine will come through. I’m working with a very deep level of energy so I have been taught how to reinforce these shields constantly.
Remember that what you predominantly focus on is what you tend to attract, so if you’re really worried about lower energies I’d recommend you try to shift your focus away from the highly unlikely concern that someone or something is out to get you. I operate from a place of love, not fear, which is a big part of what keeps me aligned with the divine. And if you’ve been attracted to my energy, there’s a good chance you’re of a similar mindset.