When it comes to moving house, a property expert would tell you that location is everything. But what I would tell you (not surprisingly, given I’m an energy healer) is that energy is everything. I’m not talking about walking into a house or apartment and just feeling that it’s the right place for you to live (although that’s helpful too), I’m talking about the energy between you and your current abode, and how that might support your personal growth… or hinder it. Let me explain.
Recently I did an angel card reading for a US-based client who told me she wanted to move to a city on the other side of the country. Unlike many of my clients, her issue was not confusion over whether the move was right for her – of that, she was absolutely certain – but she was struggling to let go of her current home and life. She wasn’t leaving because anything was broken or missing in her life. She was happy with the status quo, but was driven by a knowing that there was something new and exciting waiting for her in the new location. She told me that she had moved cities many times in the past and had never found it challenging before. But now that she owned a home and had been living in the one place for more than a decade, she was finding it monumentally hard to let go of the life she had built there. Even though she deeply wanted to move, every time she thought about the move and the logistics of it, she felt overwhelmed with sadness and unable to take those practical steps to make it happen. I sensed that she had formed an energetic connection with her home, and that was blocking her from moving forward.
(Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash)
At a spiritual workshop several years ago, a woman told a story about how she had been unable to get a single interested buyer for her house for many months, despite it being in a good location and reasonably priced. But after she energetically cut the cord between her and the house, the perfect buyer stepped forward.
This energetic connection totally makes sense, when you think about what the idea of ‘home’ represents. Our homes are not just somewhere we sleep at night and store our material possessions, they’re places we dream, plan, maybe fall in love, probably fall apart at least once, bond with our kids, bury beloved pets, start businesses, lovingly create spaces that reflect us – all significant events in the stories of our lives. Think about this: if you have ever moved out of a house after an unhappy marriage came to an end, those sad memories have probably tainted your feelings about the home. And if a loved one has passed away while you were sharing a house with them, you might find it hard to move out, as you’ll feel like you’re taking another step further away from the life you shared with that person.
(Photo by Christian Stahl on Unsplash)
Our homes can also represent structure, safety and status – particularly if you have grown up in a place like New Zealand or Australia, where owning a house is considered a necessary rite of passage. Selling your home might feel like you’re cutting away your safety net – and that underlying fear can make it hard for you to connect with your intuition on whether moving is right for you at all.
Interesting side note: my spiritual coach Michelle Capper-Fay once told me that whenever you dream about being in a house, that’s a symbol for your own life and the way you feel about it. For example if you dream you’re in a house which is collapsing around you, that could indicate your life is in disarray (or that you perceive it to be). So I really believe that the home carries a lot of spiritual significance.
Going back to my client, after I called on Archangel Michael to cut the cord between her and the house, a simple process I did as part of an overall energy healing, the energy around her changed quickly and she started feeling more ready for the move. Of course, she was already *intellectually* ready for the move, but now she was emotionally ready for it, too. After that, things started to shift for her – by cutting that cord, she was giving the Universe space to send in energy to support her move.
(Photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash)
Even if you’re not moving house right now, having the right energy in your home matters. If you’re not feeling totally settled where you live, I recommend changing the energy. You could try clearing away any lower energies by burning some sage through the house (it’s best to walk in an anti-clockwise direction, starting from the front door, moving right around the house, and with windows open) or rearranging the décor (things like bringing in soft furnishings, such as cushions and rugs, can help). This is particularly helpful when you’ve had people staying with you whose presence was unsettling (read: they were annoying AF). Getting indoor plants can also really make a difference to the feel of the house. This might not sound important, but I believe that feeling settled and secure where you live supports you energetically while you work on your personal growth.
I’d love to hear any ideas you might have for changing the energy of the home, or your insights on how a connection between you and your home might have played out in your own life.
*For information on how an energy healing session can help shift blocks in your life so you can move forward, click here.