The theme of personal power is again coming up strong in the cards this week. That means taking charge of our mindset and switching out of passive mode (ie blaming and complaining) and into action mode. There’s also a couple of messages around bolstering self-worth if that is an issue for you.
Your angel cards for August 3-9, 2020
Need some extra motivation? This week’s focus is on, well, focus and taking action towards our goals – which is very appropriate during Leo season! The cards also remind us that although the Universe is there to support us and give us a boost, it cannot do the work for us. So if you want your life to change, it’s up to you to step up and make that happen.
Your angel cards for July 27-August 2, 2020
Improving our love lives and healing from the past are both strong themes this week – and yes, it’s likely they’re connected.
When spirituality becomes unhealthy – the truth about ‘spiritual bypassing’
If your ideas about spirituality came from what you saw on Instagram, you’d probably think being spiritual was all about sparkly unicorns, chilled-out Buddhas and pink-hued quotes about manifestation. All of those things can be part of spirituality, but this pretty picture isn’t the whole truth. True spirituality has a much deeper, much grittier side. Being on a spiritual journey involves delving into difficult emotions and uncomfortable truths. It may require you to change your stance on issues, cut ties with certain people and cry profusely. It also even force you to realise that you might have been a bit of a dick in certain situations (d’oh!).
That last part – being accountable for your actions – is a big part of a spiritual journey. That doesn’t mean you have to go around apologising for every crappy thing you’ve ever done – which brings up the pain for the victim all over again – it just means understanding why you did what you did, and learning from it. Trouble is, lots of people are doing the exact opposite – they use spirituality to actually avoid accountability and the change and growth that go with it. This is spiritual bypassing, which means using the veil of spiritual beliefs to avoid the truth of something or to dodge accountability. Remember the word ‘bypassing’ means going around something, while true spirituality is all about going into something in order to heal it.
Here are four ways I’ve noticed spiritual bypassing showing up:
Read MoreYour angel cards for July 20-26, 2020
This week the angels are reminding us, over and over again, that our intuition is the best source of guidance. Listening to those feelings and trusting them will help you navigate your way through whatever you’re facing. The need to back yourself is also being emphasised this week.