This week is all about living with intention. That means making choices that align with the life you want to live, and stepping into your life purpose. The key word is ‘value’ – what do you value most? And do you recognise your own value?
Your angel cards for July 6-12, 2020
This week the angels are really emphasising the need to make space for creativity – both in the way we approach our daily lives and the way we spend our time. There’s also lots of strength and encouragement coming through from the divine.
(Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash)
Why do I feel everyone’s feelings? Essential advice for empaths
Emotions can be funny things. Some days you know exactly why they’re there – you’re going through a crappy experience, for example, you’re stressed or you’re hormonal. Other times they seem to come out of nowhere, zapping your reserves and leaving you struggling with self-care. If this happens to you regularly – and predominantly at the end of the day – there’s a good chance you’re actually picking up other people’s emotions.
Science calls this ‘mood contagion’, and, unfortunately, it’s often negative emotions that are transmitted between people more frequently than positive ones. Certain people are more likely to pick up emotional frequencies than others. In psychology, these people are often called highly sensitive. In spirituality, we call these people empaths. If that sounds like you, here’s what you need to know.
Read MoreYour angel cards for June 29-July 5, 2020
Relationship energy is coming up strong this week, helping us attract soulmates and deepen intimacy in long-term relationships. We’re also being encouraged to do some deep inner work around self-acceptance and honouring our truth.
Your angel cards for June 22-28, 2020
This week’s theme is about releasing that which is no longer serving us – think: old patterns, habits, beliefs and connections. The angels are also inviting us to reflect on where we spend our time and energy, and make changes where needed.