After a two-week holiday, I'm back! This week, trusting the Universe is a massive theme. Our intuition is getting a big tune up – the challenge for us is to trust in the direction it’s leading us. ❤️
Mercury retrograde is not that bad (seriously!)
Here we are on the cusp of another Mercury retrograde, a semi-regular event which tends to cause widespread panic – even among people who declare they don’t believe in astrology. Trickster Mercury, the planet of communication, siblings, neighbours, the internet, detail, short trips and brain functioning, will go retrograde from October 31 to November 20 – its third retrograde phase of 2019. No doubt you’ve already seen the (kinda funny) memes predicting chaos and destruction, and advising you that the entire Universe will be working against you (sigh).
A couple of years ago, I decided to break up with what I call ‘Mercury retrograde panic syndrome’, and I can report that my life has not been significantly impacted as a result. Given that Mercury goes retrograde three to four times every year, I can’t be bothered investing in the constant stress (ain’t nobody got time for that!). Frankly, I think we all need to chill about MRx. Despite what you might have heard, it truly doesn’t spell the end of social order, and can even be a good thing. Here’s why:
Read MoreYour angel cards for October 14-20, 2019
Don’t take anything at surface value this week. The cards are encouraging us to look deeper and understand what’s really going on underneath. Using visualisation and grounding are a great way to approach the week.
On 'Sliding Doors' and living with regret
Have you ever wondered about how different your life might have been if you’d made different choices? Of course you have – you’re human. So here’s a more challenging question: how attached are you to that imagined life? What I mean is, does imagining something different cause you to view your real life with resentment or bitterness?
Recently I rewatched the 1998 movie Sliding Doors and it got me thinking about regret and the lives we might have otherwise lived.
Read MoreYour angel cards for October 7-13, 2019
Being more present in our daily lives and enjoying ourselves are the big themes for the week. Stay out of auto-pilot mode, and really show up for the moments you’re experiencing.