Building our self-compassion is a big theme this week. If we're not able to be kind to ourselves, we're going to struggle to let others (and the Universe) help and support us. Being more aware of our energy also comes through in the cards this week.
Your weekly angel cards for June 10-16, 2019
Power, control and perfectionism all loom large this week. Not exactly attractive stuff, I know, but we need to face up to unhealthy behaviours in order to challenge the unhelpful beliefs and fears that are driving them. The angels are encouraging us to pursue our goals one step at a time, instead of putting them into the 'too-hard basket'.
Your weekly angel card reading for June 3-9, 2019
Releasing ourselves from judgment is a major theme this week. Watch out for the ways you step into judgy mode – particularly when you're doing it to avoid looking at your own issues. Pushing ourselves out of the 'safe zone' a little more is another theme, which came through last week as well.
How quitting alcohol changed my life (and strengthened my intuition)
This is not a story about how I fell down some stairs after a few wines and sprained my ankle, or the night I smashed my wrist against a toilet doorhandle after I’d stumbled in to vomit (I had a cast on my arm for a week). That’s what you were expecting, right? Some outrageous tale where my lifestyle became so shamefully destructive that I had no choice but to transform? The truth is, there wasn’t any catastrophic event that sparked my sobriety 18 months ago. Both of the aforementioned vodka-soaked memories definitely happened, but on the scale of drinking testimonies in this country, I doubt my experiences would even make a blip. I wasn’t an alcoholic or even a problem drinker, and my drinking was nowhere near destructive levels. No one around me was being hurt by my drinking, and my liver was perfectly healthy. But my emotional and social dependence on alcohol was putting me out of alignment with my desire to live a meaningful and purposeful life, and cutting the cord has been a necessary step for my own growth.
Read MoreYour weekly angel cards for May 27-June 2, 2019
Just like last week, many of us are still facing toxic and negative energy from other people that is wearing us down. Again, the angels want us to isolate ourselves (where possible) and shield our energy. There's also a really strong push around opening up to new opportunities instead of limiting ourselves out of fear or any desire to please others. No more living small lives!